Monday, December 01, 2008

So many steps along the way...

We've been updated that the general surgeon who is doing the anterior exposure to the spine has completed his work.  That means our orthopaedist is now removing the growth plates between each vertebrae from the front.  Removing these will keep Kenzie's spine from torqueing around the rods as she grows...sounded like a good idea to me to do this...but what do I know.  The downside of this procedure is that they have to deflate her lung in order to access the area they will be working in.  YUCK!  Guaranteeing at least 24 -36 hours on a ventilator following surgery.  The anesthesiologist also just informed us that all of her lines went in really, really well which is a big relief, because they will be using them to follow closely the stimulation positive or negative to her spinal cord. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sounds like all is going well so far -- hang in there! Keep us up to date. Love you!!