Saturday, December 13, 2008

The doctors knew I would never be able to say; gastrojejunostomy.

As always, Kenzie is one in a million.  Her stomach actually flipped over...really, flipped over in her belly.  When her organs and such rearranged during and following her spinal fusion surgery her stomach rearranged itself to a whole other dimension!  Since that was the case, the surgeon was able to relatively easily turn it over using laparoscopy and called in assistance from the endoscope team to see inside the stomach while they were looking from the outside.  All said and done they tack down the stomach to some of her abdomen to keep it from somersaulting again and made mention of the fact that she also has a "wandering" spleen.  Who knew a spleen could wander and where would it want to go anyway?


Unknown said...

Mackenzie can keep doctors on their toes like no other child! Great news that the tummy seems to be right side up again - how DOES it do that? Give her a hug from her auntie Christine!

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if things are better but still up and down. Would love to be able to help you when you get home. My prayers are with you, Eric, Ainsley, and Breckin, and always with Mackenizie.

Love to all, Betty L