Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Using the now in place N/J tube, Kenzie has begun receiving formula. The amount is giving so slowly it will take 6 hours to give 6 oz. Given a straw, Kenzie would ordinarily suck that amount up in 6 seconds! The law of 6's. But, as the GI doc said this morning..."If the stomach is left alone for too long, it grows lazy and stupid" forgetting it's natural role in life. Tomorrow she will slowly begin to eat by mouth, waking the stomach for the first time since her surgery 14 days ago.
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
N/G Tube
N/J Tube
PICC line
These are a few of the crash course learning moments of today. As Kenzie's doctors put it, her gut needs to wake-up. We're setting an alarm for 12 am tonight. She'll finally receive nourishment introveniously for the first time since surgery through her shinyy new PICC line.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sunday, December 07, 2008
To top off the day, she had a visit from her 3rd grade teacher! She lit up, and had to show-off how well she was doing. She sat up over and over again, did a little snorting and smiled those great melt your heart Kenzie smiles!!! I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture of the moment.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Today Kenzie was much more alert, often times agitated, and even smiled a few times. PT came in to start her workouts on her new back. She was rolled a few times by PT had a sponge bath and sat up for 20 seconds. Good thing mom wasn't there I would have been way too over protective and worrying about every movement and each little wince... This evening and over night she will be in her daddy's loving and capable hands while I get some very needed and I think deserved sleep at home. I wouldn't go so far to say restful though. A is running around screaming, Little B just tumbled over and is crying....why did I come home again?
Monday, December 01, 2008
We're Off!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
The gait analysis determined Kenzie should have freedom in her hips and they would suggest NOT anchoring the hardware of her spinal fusion into her pelvis!!! I'm thrilled she will be able to maintain that movement, I'm convinced she will be able to overcome the rest with no problem but felt she really needed that little bit of rotation to do it! Yippee!
This weekend is her sleep study, the next step on our way.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I haven't added to this blog in awhile. I have been struggling to wrap my head around the newest challenge Kenzie has to face. It had been determined that it is time to either do something, or do nothing, about her severe scoliosis. Doing something means an anterior/posterior spinal fusion. Her entire spine is effected in an s-shaped curve.
I have known that somewhere down the road surgery would be a possibility. Knowing it was still down the road gave me the ability to deal with it. When confronted with the future... keeping my emotions in check is a constant battle. I found myself standing in the middle of Target the other day tears welling up in my eyes and had to run out of the store before I absolutely burst into seizure-like sobs.
The simple question that rolls around in my mind is this: Will this insanely invasive surgery really, REALLY improve her quality of life?
Along with that are the questions of actually surviving the surgery, will the surgery end up causing her more pain in her future. How will it feel to be maybe 5 ft. tall for the rest of your life. The surgery will end any additional growth in her trunk. (She's only 8, she has a lot of growing to do still!!) Why in the world would I voluntarily put my baby through this?
This is by far the worst part of the job of Mom. Making the decision to do it or not to do it. Like I said at the beginning I'm still trying to wrap my head around the shock, get my emotions in check and then throw myself into the research phase. Just like the 7 stages of grief, there always seems to be stages when confronted with these overwhelming decisions. Without the input of Kenzie I feel like I'm out there just hoping I'm making the right one for her.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Kenzie uses an e-talk augmentative communication device which was purchased for her 3 years ago. It gives her the ability to resolve our misunderstandings. But, mostly it allows her to be social when for years she didn't have the tools to be. Sadly, before she made it through the Medicaid wait list (thanks to all the Colorado smokers out there for helping speed up the list, due to an increase in the cigarette tax), our insurance company turned down our request for coverage of the device. On what grounds? It was considered an educational device! (telling us whether or not she has a wet diaper definitely falls into the category of education, come on!!) Of all the insane excuses I've heard through this journey, this tops the list. Through generous, generous donations from friends and family and a fun day having a bowl-a-thon, we raised the $7500.00 it cost to purchase it. This is where the idea for the name of my blog came from. Mackenzie's voice, she finally has a voice. The one very unfortunate part of the device is that she is not able to program it for herself. How, as her mom, can I program it so the voice truely represents what she wants to say? Really, how would you like it if your mom always did the talking for you? She certainly wouldn't say all the things you would like to. All those wonderful things us moms hear everyday from our beloved little ones like: you're the worst mom ever, I'm leaving and never coming back. These, all examples of things I heard this week from my master communicator, middle child, A. What would you suggest I add to her talker?
Friday, May 02, 2008
What a difference a day-off can make!
Two days ago, Kenzie decided to take the day off. We usually have a pretty smooth morning before school, we get her sister off on the bus and then she and I get a little time to spend together while she gets ready for her bus to school. I observed very clear behaviors from her that she wanted the day off. Of course, she couldn't tell me but she patted my thigh during breakfast an indication that she wanted to sit on my lap (I love this "sign", because it means mom gets cuddles!!). When we moved over to the couch to get dressed she absolutely refused to sit-up. I'm not sure how to describe it but her body was entirely limp and stiff at exactly the same time. There was no way I was going to get her dressed. Every time I mentioned school she would get really upset. I got the school today!
A in the snow on May Day!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Kenzie "snuck out" of the house while I was loading her chair into the car yesterday. I often wonder, if left undisturbed, where would she go? When I meet my genie in a bottle and am granted three wishes these are what they would be: 1)To live in Kenzie's brain for a day. I want to know what she thinks and HOW she thinks. Her receptive verbal skills are very good and I know all the head-hitting she does is directly linked to her inability to tell us what she wants and needs. 2) To get a hug from Kenzie. She is so tactically defensive she is unable to give a hug. We can hug her, she gets lots of hugs, but I've never received a real squeeze from her. This never occurred to me until I had A and I was given real squishy hugs from her. 3) If my husband and I die first, someone really wonderful will take care of Mackenzie (tears streaming now!). This, by far, is my very greatest wish!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa Jim!!
This picture was taken in 2003. Kenzie has a few people in her life that she absolutely adores. Grandpa Jim is one of them and at the top of her list of favorites. When this picture was taken, we surprised her with his visit. She was waking up from a nap when he walked in to say hello. Her expression is priceless! I look at this picture so often as a reminder of pure joy!
Such a struggle she's been having at school. She attends a typical public school, well, I wouldn't call it entirely typical. I hear so many horrible stories from other parents in our area about their experiences and I count myself lucky to not have had such bad ones. I've always considered myself someone who truly trusts her gut instincts about things. When we went to visit what would become her new school I had a good feeling about it. Kenzie was in a school with all special needs kids for 2 years of preschool and kindergarten. When it came time to consider 1st grade I felt we needed to move her. The old school wasn't bad but I knew Kenzie would be so much happier around typical kids. I had many nights of sleeplessness about moving her, but something told me to do it, and I've been grateful ever since. Her struggles in the last few weeks have come from CSAP testing. She doesn't take them but it completely disrupts her and her classmates normal routines. She is also sent off, away from the typical classroom, where she loves the other kids, so that they can be tested without disruption. This is murder for our little girl who apparently has also developed a bit of a crush on one of her classmates. I know the next few weeks of school will be filled with disruptions, I just hope she'll also stop herself long enough to enjoy what's left before summer break. (more on that later!)
Monday, April 21, 2008
I am a firm believer in the miracles of therapeutic riding. Kenzie was so thrilled to arrive at the farm and see the horses. When we unloaded and were waiting for Chocolate Chip to arrive she was pointing and clapping with anticipation. This was one of the moments (there are many) that she really got it...she was completely there, in the moment, and thrilled. There are so many moments that, as a mother, I am so excited for her, and she just isn't there. Whether it's because of pain, fatigue or over-stimulation, she often misses the joys in life. Thankfully, yesterday wasn't one of them!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Among the many mysteries that Kenzie continues to stump us with is the SIB of head hitting. The velocity with which she hits herself has got to hurt! We use a helmet when it gets really bad but in public I always feel sad that other kids stare at her. I try to laugh it off by saying "her mom is a really bad wheelchair driver" if a full explanation isn't called for. We have tried every conceivable tactic to change the behavior. If anyone has had success "displacing" this I would love to hear about it!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008

B finding his toes for the first time!
The introduction of a new baby to our family has absolutely charmed Miss Mackenzie. She is smitten with her baby brother and makes certain I attend to his every need whenever he makes a peep. She will sit outside B's door and wait until he makes a sound then either bang the door or calls out to me with her ba-ba-ba verbalizations. Usually, mostly, the banging part.
I may be one of the few citizens thankful to congress for increasing the length of daylight savings time. Although, my body clock has changed, without the understanding of time, Kenzie's has not! Which means our house gets an extra hour of sleep in the morning than before the time change. Rather than 4 am wake-up calls, blessedly it is 5 a.m. when Kenzie is up and out of bed.