I started this blog 2 years ago...has it really been that long ago? There is so much rattling around in my brain I don't know where to start. We've even added another member (2 members if you count the dog) to our family!
I have abandoned all hope of naming Kenzie's "genetic disorder." Of course, I've done this before and just when I do someone asks me what her diagnosis is and I stammer and stutter, finally, answering she's undiagnosed. When I get home I take out my medical rolodex and start reintroducing myself to all of the specialists we've talked to in the past. It usually goes something like this: "Remember me, I'm the crazy mom that is in dire need of a lable, that likely I don't really want, to put on my child." They say they'll pull the file, days/weeks later I get a phone call back that basically says: "we don't have any new ideas now but we'll keep thinking about it." I answer....."Right" defeated again. But for now, and in an effort to celebrate spring and summer with a cluster of kids, I abandon the search. Nothing is likely to change before fall.

B finding his toes for the first time!
The introduction of a new baby to our family has absolutely charmed Miss Mackenzie. She is smitten with her baby brother and makes certain I attend to his every need whenever he makes a peep. She will sit outside B's door and wait until he makes a sound then either bang the door or calls out to me with her ba-ba-ba verbalizations. Usually, mostly, the banging part.
I may be one of the few citizens thankful to congress for increasing the length of daylight savings time. Although, my body clock has changed, without the understanding of time, Kenzie's has not! Which means our house gets an extra hour of sleep in the morning than before the time change. Rather than 4 am wake-up calls, blessedly it is 5 a.m. when Kenzie is up and out of bed.
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