Happy Birthday Grandpa Jim!!
This picture was taken in 2003. Kenzie has a few people in her life that she absolutely adores. Grandpa Jim is one of them and at the top of her list of favorites. When this picture was taken, we surprised her with his visit. She was waking up from a nap when he walked in to say hello. Her expression is priceless! I look at this picture so often as a reminder of pure joy!
Such a struggle she's been having at school. She attends a typical public school, well, I wouldn't call it entirely typical. I hear so many horrible stories from other parents in our area about their experiences and I count myself lucky to not have had such bad ones. I've always considered myself someone who truly trusts her gut instincts about things. When we went to visit what would become her new school I had a good feeling about it. Kenzie was in a school with all special needs kids for 2 years of preschool and kindergarten. When it came time to consider 1st grade I felt we needed to move her. The old school wasn't bad but I knew Kenzie would be so much happier around typical kids. I had many nights of sleeplessness about moving her, but something told me to do it, and I've been grateful ever since. Her struggles in the last few weeks have come from CSAP testing. She doesn't take them but it completely disrupts her and her classmates normal routines. She is also sent off, away from the typical classroom, where she loves the other kids, so that they can be tested without disruption. This is murder for our little girl who apparently has also developed a bit of a crush on one of her classmates. I know the next few weeks of school will be filled with disruptions, I just hope she'll also stop herself long enough to enjoy what's left before summer break. (more on that later!)
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