Our Bionic Baby Girl!


(still in the OR before they removed the support equipment. She does not have any framework(as the x-ray shows) or a brace, just bandages.

Side View
Discharge orders were written yesterday afternoon for discharge this morning...however, after starting solid foods for the first time since surgery (exactly one week later) Kenzie's belly still wasn't awake enough and reorganized to move food through her system so we find ourselves waiting for an upper GI scheduled for later this afternoon.
Even still with no food, no drink, she continues to amaze us. She walked with her walker the entire length of the hallway (there are about 15 rooms along one side of the hallway) and back this morning and is in good spirits, smiles, and sits-up and rolls herself over in her bed (all the time, making mom crazy because of the tangle of lines still attached!!!). She even went down to the speech communication department so mommy could learn how to program her fancy new talker, a Dynavox V which arrived Dec. 1st!
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