Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kenz had blood tests run yesterday and I'm happy to report that HOME is the best medicine!!!  Her levels were all either down or in the normal range!!!  We took the picc line out yesterday too, she was scratching the heck out of it because of the adhesive they use under it, as a result she has a nasty rash at the site.  She is on all oral meds and eating and drinking normally again (no feeding tube, which she promptly removed the day after we arrived home).  She'll be on some pretty strong antibiotics and antifungals for the next 6 weeks.  Infectious diseases still suspects her abscess is going to cause her trouble, however, general surgery is convinced it won't.  She also has a very stylish new purple cast which she will have for 6 weeks but she was casted for her new orthotic while we were switching casts.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep the good news coming!