Saturday, December 20, 2008

Finally, real birthday cake!

Real "pretend" mac & cheese birthday cake!
Kenzie got such a kick out of pretending to make macaroni and cheese in the hospital while she wasn't allowed to eat that I had to create a mac & cheese cake when we got home!
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

We're Home!!!!!!!!!!

It took quite a bit of convincing but we finally were discharged last evening.  Mackenzie spent most of the day yesterday out of her room, fed up with her bed and the same walls for 17 days.  We spent a lot of time sitting and climbing on and off of the couches at the end of the hall that have a beautiful view of the entire Denver sky line and mountains.  

When we arrived home the most charming thing happened.  Breckin looked up and pointed at his sissy as if to say; "She's home, look, she's home" he immediately wanted a boost onto the couch to give kisses, over and over!  Ainsley ran off to make a "welcome home" card with many little gifts taped inside!

Thank you to everyone who has been reading this blog, sending good wishes, knocking on wood, and invoking the power of prayer!  I certainly could not have made it through this without the strength of all of you to lean on!  The healing continues, but the soul is renewed!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Okay, I know I just woke-up but did he say what I think he said????

We could be going home today?!  All those folks out there still knocking on wood...Keep it up, bloody knuckles and all!  We found out the fever was caused by a UTI.  Easy to fix.  Overnight last night, fed up with the N/J tube she managed to work/pull it out.  Reinserting the N/J tube requires an appointment with floroscopy so we'll go it on our own and hope she keeps eating well.  So far a piece of buttered toast is on board and the oatmeal and scrambled eggs just arrived.  

She has been moving and walking and unable to decided which end of the bed gives the best view so changes ends about every 20 minutes.  These are some pics from this morning's walk where the ortho docs found us.  They are campaigning for us to go home today too, encouraged by the fact that over 50% of the time they try to see us in our room, we're not there. 

Greeting everyone that passes by:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In through the mouth, out through the tush!!!  Yippee!

Exactly what we've been waiting for all this time.  Kenzie is still fighting off whatever bug she had this morning but the fever has gone down.  We celebrated with apple sauce and graham crackers!

1 step forward, 3 steps back!  This morning Kenzie woke up with a mysterious fever.  Lethargic, chills, blue hands, the works...gratefully, no vomiting,  knock on wood...seriously, knock on wood, you reading this, knock on some wood!  I need all the help I can get to get my baby back home!

Labs have been drawn and x-ray done.  Hopefully we'll have an answer soon...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Kenzie and I had a really great morning!  We took a wheelchair ride downstairs followed by a short nap and then a marathon walk in her walker.  We played for awhile in the playroom where we pretended to make mac & cheese for lunch and drink coffee using the kitchen set.  She was giggling so much so she had to lie down on the floor because she couldn't support herself anymore!  When we got back to the room, she climbed on the bed, laid flat on her face and there she sleeps!

Glad to be off her bed and sitting with dad!

Still dripping...

Kenzie has tolerated increases in her n/j tube feedings really well overnight.  Fingers crossed we'll start some mouth food tonight....They cut her off ice chips yesterday afternoon through the night, boy was she ticked!  So ticked that this morning while she was deciding that the other end of the bed ought to be the head of the bed, she pulled out her n/g tube which was still doing some suction from her stomach.  We'll watch her tummy today back on ice chips and if all goes well, the n/g tube will not be replaced.  Slowly, slowly... wake-up tummy.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Drip...drip...drip... Let the feast begin!

Using the now in place N/J tube, Kenzie has begun receiving formula. The amount is giving so slowly it will take 6 hours to give 6 oz. Given a straw, Kenzie would ordinarily suck that amount up in 6 seconds! The law of 6's. But, as the GI doc said this morning..."If the stomach is left alone for too long, it grows lazy and stupid" forgetting it's natural role in life. Tomorrow she will slowly begin to eat by mouth, waking the stomach for the first time since her surgery 14 days ago.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The doctors knew I would never be able to say; gastrojejunostomy.

As always, Kenzie is one in a million.  Her stomach actually flipped over...really, flipped over in her belly.  When her organs and such rearranged during and following her spinal fusion surgery her stomach rearranged itself to a whole other dimension!  Since that was the case, the surgeon was able to relatively easily turn it over using laparoscopy and called in assistance from the endoscope team to see inside the stomach while they were looking from the outside.  All said and done they tack down the stomach to some of her abdomen to keep it from somersaulting again and made mention of the fact that she also has a "wandering" spleen.  Who knew a spleen could wander and where would it want to go anyway?


Mackenzie went inBold for her laporoscopy procedure at about 2:30 pm  we are waiting for an update from the doctor to see how extensive this will be.  In the event that the "kink" can be found and detangled we won't have to wait much longer.  If not, the doctor will preform a gastrojejunostomy (vocabulary word of the day)  they will connect her stomach to a piece of the jejunum further below the "kink".  She should be done by 5 pm.... updates to come!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Don't you just hate when bloggers slack off!!!  

We're still waiting to hear from the General Surgery team.  Her case was presented in conference this morning, reviewing the endoscopy video.  What we know is that there is not a blockage, she does not have SMA disease (where the large arteries that leave the spine press on the bottom of the stomach).  The plyorus (vocabulary word of the day : wikipedia stomach) has located itself up way too high.  Either because of the serious distention of her belly 5 days ago or while relocating following surgery.  It could resolve itself if she gets up and walks more and more or they may try the endoscope again to try to get to it to open it (it sort of kinked up on itself, folding over very beautiful pictures of the inside of her stomach).  Still waiting for a plan.  

On the upside she's REALLY active today, walked a full circle of the unit, turning, rolling and sitting up in bed all morning.  Her feet were on her pillow when her ortho doc walked in this morning.  He put this on the good column of Santa's list.  I think the nutrition is giving her the energy she needs to fight back again.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bad News tonight....the exit of Kenzie's stomach is about 75 degrees north of where it should be so is unable to empty.  I didn't know she knew how to do handstands.  
Brush with fame!

Kenzie had a visit from the Colorado Avalanche today!  Yippee!  

We're waiting for an endoscopy scheduled now for between 4 and 4:30 this afternoon.  We hope this will clear-up what the issue is with her tummy.  Whether it's a blockage, SMA disease (the major arteries leaving the spine and running down your legs putting pressure on the duadanum since the relocation of her spine) or just a sleepy belly not wanting to wake-up after many many narcotics.  On the upside, she pooped today!  Around here, that is really something to celebrate!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Vocabulary words of the day:



N/G Tube

N/J Tube

PICC line

These are a few of the crash course learning moments of today. As Kenzie's doctors put it, her gut needs to wake-up. We're setting an alarm for 12 am tonight. She'll finally receive nourishment introveniously for the first time since surgery through her shinyy new PICC line.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Happy Birthday Mackenzie!

Although she was exhausted, she practically crawled off the bed to see her baby brother and get her birthday kiss from him!

What do you mean I can't eat cake?!  Forget it, I'm going to sleep!

Kenzie had an Upper GI done today and I got to see what I would characterize as a massive obstruction in her belly (I counted five screws high:  see x-rays from previous blog).  It has been described to me that when correcting this large a scoliosis curve, the major arteries that leave the spine at the level of the base of the stomach can sometimes put pressure on the upper intestine. We'll be taking the next steps to help her along tomorrow.  Doctors are eager to try the least invasive procedures available as the first step.  So am I!  Keep your fingers crossed for success.

She had a wonderful time seeing family this evening, celebrating her birthday.  However, the best gift she received today was a very well loved sweater from Addie!  Addie, you passed the love along, thank you!

Our Bionic Baby Girl!


(still in the OR before they removed the support equipment.  She does not have any framework(as the x-ray shows)  or a brace, just bandages.

Side View

Discharge orders were written yesterday afternoon for discharge this morning...however, after starting solid foods for the first time since surgery (exactly one week later) Kenzie's belly still wasn't awake enough and reorganized to move food through her system so we find ourselves waiting for an upper GI scheduled for later this afternoon.  

Even still with no food, no drink, she continues to amaze us.  She walked with her walker the entire length of the hallway (there are about 15 rooms along one side of the hallway) and back this morning and is in good spirits, smiles, and sits-up and rolls herself over in her bed (all the time, making mom crazy because of the tangle of lines still attached!!!).  She even went down to the speech communication department so mommy could learn how to program her fancy new talker, a Dynavox V which arrived Dec. 1st!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Thank God for Humor!

Along the journey of Mackenzie's recovery, there is the crazy, no, insane, activities that happen in the background to Eric and me, her parents.  We handle our stress with humor.  A hopital stay never fails to provide the crazy material neccessary.  

Here is one of those moments...Since the day after surgery I have requested an unflavored toothette for Kenzie.  I happen to know that toothettes exsist that are unflavored or if you're lucky you can find a toothette that is purple; those are the rare and much sought after (at Children's Hospital anyway) grape flavored toothettes.  For those who don't know, a toothette is a spongie swab you use to moisten and clean someone's mouth who is unable to drink liquids.  The pink toothettes are flavored with mint (remember; pink, bad).  These were the first toothettes to arrive.  I asked the nurse to find any toothette that wasn't mint.  Kenzie hates to have her teeth brushed to begin with and having the mint toothette hospital memory and mint tooth brushing relationship will only make matters worse (at least this is my rationalization in my mommy brain)  The first nurse was stumped by this request.  Having not realized the toothettes were flavored at all.  Due to years of OT therapy at Children's Hospital under my belt, I know for a fact other toothette flavors exist and live here among us.  

My requests for an unflavored toothette continued and increased when Kenzie had to go on the n/g tube.  One nurse really did go all out to find an unflavored toothette and found the closest replacement she could, the "oral care and suction kit" with 3 steps of oral care "formulas", attachments for the suction system, and to her credit, an unflavored toothette!!!    

All along however, when a request is made, orders must to be written.  The nurses' desk secretary found a brown paper bag with Mackenzie's name on it on her desk this morning and delivered it to our room.  Look what fell out!...............

Any guesses how many times I asked for an unflavored toothette?

(wonder if these will all end up on our bill?  Probably!)

If you have to be at Children's Hospital, the holidays aren't the worst time to do it!  Kenzie was doing great today, her tummy felt much better and PT was thrilled to have the opportunity to get her up and moving.  She started by walking in her walker down the hall 15 mommy paces (yes, I actually just went out to see how many paces.  I know, I'm weird, but accutate and frankly a little bored!).  She was then able to participate in the "23rd Annual Harley Toy Ride"  She got to go downstairs, listen to the roar of 3000 Harley Davidson's, and MEET SANTA!  Yippee!!!!

To top off the day, she had a visit from her 3rd grade teacher!  She lit up, and had to show-off how well she was doing.  She sat up over and over again, did a little snorting and smiled those great melt your heart Kenzie smiles!!!  I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture of the moment.

Wow, what a day!  
A watermelon with a Kenzie attached!

Yesterday Kenzie's tummy was the size of a watermelon and thumped like one too!  The n/g tube was put in.  This morning it's a softball with a Kenzie attached.  Feeling so much better, and at 4 am this morning when she called out to me, she was sitting up!  It won't be long until she's crawling out of her bed!  There hasn't been a hosptial bed or chair that could container her.

Wait a minute....what's that?  Could it be?

A SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not that cold here in Denver but for my friends and family in Minneapolis, that picture has got to warm you all up!  Love to all!

Saturday, December 06, 2008


As far as the orthopeadic team is concerned, Kenzie could go home today.  One problem, she can't hold down any food or drink.  When a curve is straightened in a road, homes need to be relocated, as is the case with your spine; bowels, intestines, vital organs etc. all have to pick up and leave the area.  Kenzie will be put on an n/g tube today and likely it will take a few days for all the plumbing to take up residence someplace else.  On the upside, the neccessary "waste management team" has been working fine!  

Friday, December 05, 2008

Okay Okay....bad blogger....I left you all hanging didn't I!!!  

Yesterday was just so full of wonderful events I didn't want to miss a moment!  1st Kenzie had her chest tube removed in the morning.  With that out so, she was feeling much more comfortable and started to get used to her new back by 
trying to roll herself over.  The ICU thought, this
 girl is nothing but trouble and sent her away.  We are now relocated to the 6th floor with a mountain view.

It was my turn to spend the night at home... this is what I
 was greeted with when I got home:

A creating another book for her sister.  And.....

 B and his "SUPER ORANGE VISION"!  He walked around the house with orange vision for about a half hour  LOL!!!

But here's the really good stuff:

Up in a chair and ready to roll!
Mom is much more enthusiastic about the event than Kenzie

This one's for Auntie Christine.....AN ENTIRE TREE OF PENQUINS!!!!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Oh, almost forgot.  She had another session with PT this afternoon and sat for 5 minutes and....nearly smiled!  She's awesome!

I'm just amazed.  Kenzie has been wonderful!  She's surprised her doctors, nurses, therapists and her mom.  We are still in the ICU tonight but she has been comfortable the majority of the time this afternoon and is right now, sleeping like a baby.  The last step to be moved upstairs to the Orthopeadic unit is to ween off of her IV pain meds.  Levels have been reduced all evening and she is doing great on the oral meds she's taking.  Respiratory docs have been coming in to give some breathing therapy and she's been a star on those too.  What's better than a ROCK STAR?  Because she is so much better than a ROCK STAR.... (however, she probably has as many drugs in her system as any of them ;)  Sweet Dreams to all.


Look Mama I'm Sitting Up!

Kenzie sat up with assistance today and stayed up for 2 minutes!!!!!!!  She is still in the ICU but may move up to the orthopeadic floor this afternoon!  She is doing exceptionally well according to the team of residents "reporting" this morning outside our room.  Slowly but surely IV lines and tubes are being removed.  She started with 6 "access" points and we have put snoopy band-aids over 2 of them now.  Kenzie had a restfull night and Eric did not... I guess that is to be expected.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

One Step at a Time....

Today Kenzie was much more alert, often times agitated, and even smiled a few times. PT came in to start her workouts on her new back. She was rolled a few times by PT had a sponge bath and sat up for 20 seconds. Good thing mom wasn't there I would have been way too over protective and worrying about every movement and each little wince... This evening and over night she will be in her daddy's loving and capable hands while I get some very needed and I think deserved sleep at home. I wouldn't go so far to say restful though. A is running around screaming, Little B just tumbled over and is crying....why did I come home again?
A breath of fresh (cough, cough, hospital) air!

Kenzie has been removed from the ventilator and breathing just fine on her own!  That was the biggest post-operative hurdle.  We were told it could have been 24 to 48 hours on the ventilator.  When the tube came out she looked me in the eye and said "mama" which caused the mommy waterworks to flood over.  Relief, anxiety, guilt, concern, agony, exhilaration all rolled into one little word "mama"!
Good Morning Sunshine!

We all had a fairly restful evening!  This morning Kenzie has woken a few times and quickly returned to sleep but I have had a few moments with her where she was alert and aware.  And if you know Mackenzie well enough, what's the first thing she's asking for? FOOD and WATER!!!  She is still on the ventilator but more and more frequently she is taking breaths on her own and leaving the ventilator in the dust.  I know this because I am an expert on all the equipment and can read all the charts and graphs buzzing around in here, ha ha, right!!!  

Seems like we have a nice pain relief cocktail is mixed.  We'll hear from the general surgery team early this morning about the chest tube (possible removal, she had 2 x-rays through the night).  Later this morning we'll see the ortho team (they get to sleep in I guess, their job is done). :)   

Monday, December 01, 2008

Tower of Power!

Kenzie came up from surgery to the ICU unit at 6:00 pm.  Time spent between then and nowhas been coming up with the right combination of drugs to manage her pain, and keep her sedated enough to ignore the ventilator that and sorting out the tangle of lines and cords coming off from her.  

The doctors have been able to turned the ventilator down a click or two (that's a medical term, really, I swear!) as she is doing some of the breathing on her own.  As drugs wear down, mom and dad are recruited bedside to help calm her until the next dose can be administered and take effect.  We're just wondering when the next dose will be administered to mom and dad!  We are hoping for a relatively restful drug induced night and look forward to some more alert moments tomorrow. 

Thank you all for your out-pouring of love and support!  We have received so many heartfelt notes, emails, text messages, facebook posts!  I (mom) just wish ya'll weren't so nice, it makes me cry!!!!!  (kidding, well, not the crying part they actually do make me cry but in a good way!)  

Thank you, Thank you, thank you!  Good night and sweet morphine induced dreams to all.

Tinker, tinker, tinker

Kenzie is doing well, they are working on her back.  The screws have been placed and the rods are being bent and fit into place.  Still about 1 1/2 hours to go but gratefully moving along smoothly!!!!
Roll over Roll over, Mackenzie roll over....

All the work to be done on the anterior has been completed and closed, they have rolled her over and are busy now flexing and straightening her spine connecting the rods that will run down either side of her vertebrae and screwing them in to place.  We are elated that they have been able to continue the surgery.  There was concern that she would not be able to complete both sides of the surgery at one time since she is so petite.  If they would have stopped it would have meant she would recover for two weeks and then proceed with the back.  What a relief, keep good thoughts, she still has 3 1/2 more hours to go!
So many steps along the way...

We've been updated that the general surgeon who is doing the anterior exposure to the spine has completed his work.  That means our orthopaedist is now removing the growth plates between each vertebrae from the front.  Removing these will keep Kenzie's spine from torqueing around the rods as she grows...sounded like a good idea to me to do this...but what do I know.  The downside of this procedure is that they have to deflate her lung in order to access the area they will be working in.  YUCK!  Guaranteeing at least 24 -36 hours on a ventilator following surgery.  The anesthesiologist also just informed us that all of her lines went in really, really well which is a big relief, because they will be using them to follow closely the stimulation positive or negative to her spinal cord. 
Kenzie's last ditch effort at escape! 6:30 a.m.

Out of one pair of jammies into another, but thrilled to see 9News on the TV

Inflated warm air blanket:  We teased Kenz that she looked like a great blueberry, ala Willie Wonka's Violet

Great Marshmallows Charlie Brown!  Off to surgery.

We're Off!

It was a long start to the morning.  Kenzie is under sedation now and surgery is about to begin.  Mom and Dad are fed and now the waiting begins.  Here are a couple of pics from the early morning preparations.